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We commit to understanding digital exclusion and how it impacts the people we work with.  

It can sometimes be difficult to explain what digital exclusion is, and that can make bringing people on the journey with us difficult. The first pledge in our Charter focuses on developing our own, and our colleagues and loved ones, understanding of digital exclusion.  

Digital exclusion impacts different people in different ways – but the good news is that we can all play a role in changing that.  

This pledge is all about how we talk about digital exclusion, what it means to the people we work with and how we measure it and make a case for change. 

This is often the first step for organisations that want to make a difference but aren’t sure where to start.  

What does good look like? 

Some things you might consider to meet this pledge are: 

  • Working with your staff or service users to understand ways in which they are digitally excluded.  
  • Taking time to research and understand what digital exclusion looks like in Scotland. 
  • Taking a baseline measurement of digital skills in your organisation. 
  • Developing a business case for embedding digital inclusion in your service.  

Case study (tbc)

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