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We commit to working in genuine partnership where we can, to promote and advance digital inclusion.  

Working together is good for us in so many way: we can share ideas, expertise and learning, split the cost of resources, and achieve more than we can alone. 

But it’s also good for the people we work with. Genuine partnership work that puts the needs of the people we support first can change their experience with services and help to make things much fairer and faster for them.  

This works particularly in local communities, where understanding what’s around us and supporting each other towards a common goal has maximum impact in different ways. 

Partnership looks different to different people – but it’s vital that we all embrace it as a way of working to enhance digital inclusion. 

What does good look like? 

Fulfilling this pledge could include: 

  • Engaging actively in partnerships, internal and external, in support of digital inclusion. 
  • Sharing resources and learning with other organisations to reduce or avoid duplication. 
  • Collaborating with other agencies and organisations to promote your service. 
  • Mapping and understanding who you can work with to achieve your outcomes in digital inclusion. 

Case study (tbc)

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