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Sign up

You can make a difference to the lives of people in Scotland, and we’d be delighted to help you however we can. 

Signing Scotland’s Digital Inclusion Charter is the best way to demonstrate your commitment to fighting the digital divide, and you’ll be joining a community of organisations and individuals that are active, passionate and loud. 

You might be asking: what’s in it for me? 

Scotland’s Digital Inclusion Charter isn’t just another obligation for your staff or organisation. It is a community and a commitment to making our country fairer and more just for people that need it most.  

We know that there are lots of priorities and pressures facing organisations now, and it can be difficult to decide where to focus your time and resources.  

That’s why we’ve designed Scotland’s Digital Inclusion Charter to be about evidencing what you’re already doing with the people you’re working with.  

The pledges themselves provide a helpful outline for structuring your work and thinking about how you can embed digital inclusion into your service.  

But we’ve outlined some great reasons as to why you should sign up.