We commit to contributing towards a wider conversation, developing a sense of community and being part of something bigger – because digital inclusion is everyone’s responsibility.
In digital inclusion, the whole is worth more than the sum of our parts. This is because we all have experience, expertise and learning that can benefit other people. When we work together as a movement, as a community, we can make amazing things happen.
Digital exclusion is an inequality in our society which punishes people for being locked out of something that has benefited the majority of us: the Internet.
Scotland’s Digital Inclusion Charter wants to create a community of people and organisations that are passionate about changing this – and this pledge is all about how we come together and share, inspire and learn from each other regularly.
We want Scotland to continue to be a leader in digital inclusion – and we all need to play our part.

What does good look like?
Meeting this pledge could include:
- Participating in national conversations through intermediaries like SCVO.
- Contributing to national resources and sharing our knowledge freely.
- Actively promoting the Charter beyond your own organisation.
- Taking any opportunity to promote and advocate for digital inclusion.

Case study (tbc)
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