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We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding of need.  

We know that digital inclusion works best when it’s embedded in an organisation and forms part of the everyday. Thinking about how we’re going to deliver the work depends on the people that we work with. 

This kind of work should always be person-centred, to make people feel as comfortable and safe as possible. Doing this successfully depends on building your understanding, as in the first pledge.  

Digital inclusion only sustainable when it’s a culture in your organisation. A lot of work will inevitably be about changing hearts and minds – which can take time. That’s ok – it’s a vital part of the process. 

What does good look like? 

Somethings you might consider to meet this pledge are: 

  • Working to secure buy-in from different levels of the organisation to advance and promote digital inclusion 
  • Reviewing, monitoring and evaluating the success of digital inclusion interventions or projects 
  • Investing time and resources into the development and delivery of digital inclusion work 
  • Embedding digital inclusion into how we do our every day work.  

Case study (tbc)

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