We commit to understanding digital exclusion and how it impacts the people we work with.
Digital lifelines Scotland (DLS) uses an iterative learning approach and as part of this, commissioned academic researchers during the first phase of our programme to carry out extensive user research and help us to better understand user needs and the impact and risks of digital exclusion. We have learned continuously and built from the findings of the organisations we have worked with as well as the wider strategic developments that have occurred.
We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding of need.
DLS has committed to improving digital inclusion for people who use drugs, including building confidence, skills and motivation alongside access to devices and connectivity. To focus on the areas in greatest need, DLS works to map and identify appropriate areas of intervention and ensure that there is a focus on services working with those at greatest risk.
We commit to identifying and utilising appropriate resources for digital inclusion.
The work of Digital Lifelines Scotland has digitally connected and upskilled over 3,100 people to date, and has digitally upskilled over 400 staff members and volunteers. We have supported 35 frontline organisations via grant funding and enabled over 2000 devices and 2,400 data packages to be provided to people who need them. The programme has also delivered some key digital inclusion assets including a device catalogue and digital inclusion playbook for organisations to deliver digital inclusion support and a digital harm reduction training programme to digitally upskill our workforce to deliver digital inclusion service and support.
We commit to working in genuine partnership where we can, to promote and advance digital inclusion.
Digital Lifelines Scotland is a partnership programme which is instigated, designed and delivered with our partner organisations who bring their expertise and networks to ensure DLS remains informed by the needs of the individuals and organisations we seek to support in their digital inclusion journey. SCVO, Simon Community Scotland and Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre are the 3 main delivery partners who work collaboratively to deliver this work.
We commit to contributing towards a wider conversation, developing a sense of community and being part of something bigger - because digital inclusion is everyone's responsibility.
Through annual conferences and monthly community of learning sessions, the programme brings together colleagues from across the sectors to share knowledge of effective practice and expertise in all things related to digital inclusion.