We commit to understanding digital exclusion and how it impacts the people we work with.
We will work with all people involved in our organisation to explore and understand ways they are digitally excluded and by taking baselines of digital skills in our organisation will then feed into research (internal and external) to understand ways in people are impacted by digitally exclusion
We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding of need.
We will both champion and resource development and delivery of digital inclusion work in our organisation, embedding it in our areas of activity and mainstreaming digital inclusion interventions throughout our projects and service delivery.
We commit to identifying and utilising appropriate resources for digital inclusion.
We will be ambitious in approaches, mobilising resources and partnerships to ensure people can get online with appropriate devices with a safe, accessible and affordable internet connection. We will help people develop the skills to become digitally included in society and facilitate appropriate digital access.
We commit to working in genuine partnership where we can, to promote and advance digital inclusion.
We will mobilise partnerships to ensure better access digitally for people using our services and ensure best choices available to people with minimal barriers to participation in a digital society. We will collaborate collegiately, engage actively and drive outcomes in partnerships in support of digital inclusion.
We commit to contributing towards a wider conversation, developing a sense of community and being part of something bigger - because digital inclusion is everyone's responsibility.
We will champion digital inclusion in all we do, all we deliver and throughout the forums, networks or structures we are part of.