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Voluntary sector organisation based in Dundee

Unit 1 Water’s Edge Camperdown Street,
DD1 3HY,
X (Twitter)

We commit to understanding digital exclusion and how it impacts the people we work with.

GoodCall does lots of research (formal and informal), and recognises the barriers that the third sector face when trying to access and use digital devices to deliver their services. We collect data through case studies and annual surveys with our organisations to help us understand the need.

We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding of need.

We get to know the individual needs of each organisation we are working with, we support them to understand ways in which they are digitally excluded and what is available to them to try and help them overcome it. We recognise that this process can be overwhelming for some charities, so it's important for us to go at the organisation's pace, and build strong trusting relationships with the individuals within it.

We commit to identifying and utilising appropriate resources for digital inclusion.

We help organisations look at what resource they need, what they already have, and work to identify ways to bridge the gap. We recognise the financial strains of digital on organisations and we are there to help them get the most out of the funding they do have.

We commit to working in genuine partnership where we can, to promote and advance digital inclusion.

We regularly refer organisations to one another where there is opportunity for learning from the model of others to deliver their services digitally. Adopting new ways of working can be scary, and confidence is often built by aligning with organisations in a similar position.

We commit to contributing towards a wider conversation, developing a sense of community and being part of something bigger - because digital inclusion is everyone's responsibility.

We are committed to and passionate about addressing and reducing Digital exclusion in Scotland. We have secured funding to delivery work experience projects across Secondary Schools in Dundee, to help increase the number of young women coming in to the tech industry where they are hugely under represented. For Digital equality we need everyone to be part of it, regardless of gender.