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Lead Scotland

Voluntary sector organisation based in Edinburgh

Studio 1.09 St Margaret's House 151 London Road,
EH7 6AE,
X (Twitter)

We commit to understanding digital exclusion and how it impacts the people we work with.

Work with people who use our service to understand the challenges and barriers which lead to digital exclusion. Understand the changing digital skills needs of our staff. Actively take part in local, regional, and national forums to understand the gaps in the system. Continue to develop our strategic ambition to promote digital inclusion.

We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding of need.

Support our team to advance and promote digital inclusion through our work. Review, check and evaluate the success of digital inclusion projects and ensure that the people we support shape approaches and service elements. Encourage innovation and new ways of working to promote digital inclusion Seek opportunities to develop and deliver digital inclusion work.

We commit to identifying and utilising appropriate resources for digital inclusion.

Map and share the availability of assistive technology provision. Look to close the gaps in the system. Deliver dedicated and integrated digital inclusion work in a targeted way to support disabled people and carers. Donate used devices to learners and organisations which refurbish and distribute them. Extend the reach of our free flexible, accessible entry level online courses and courses across Scotland, for people to access independently or with their supporters.

We commit to working in genuine partnership where we can, to promote and advance digital inclusion.

Engage in strategic and operational partnerships which support digital inclusion. Seek effective collaborations with partners which enable us to be better than the sum of our partners. Extend the reach of our range of online courses and resources with other organisations to reduce duplication.

We commit to contributing towards a wider conversation, developing a sense of community and being part of something bigger - because digital inclusion is everyone's responsibility.

Participate in national conversations and regular forums Share our knowledge of access and inclusion Share our online courses and resources across Scotland.