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Scottish Library and Information Council

Voluntary sector organisation based in Glasgow

Suite 0.5 Turnberry House 175 West George Street,
G2 2LB,
X (Twitter)

We commit to understanding digital exclusion and how it impacts the people we work with.

SLIC are committed to working with Scotland's libraries to fully understand why library users and communities are digitally excluded. SLIC are a very small organisation but we have a wide membership. Our membership engage with millions of services users each year and we will continue to play our role in supporting those organisations to make digital inclusion a priority. This will include gaining an understanding of the challenges services face in supporting those who are digitally excluded. SLIC will also do this by continuing to share research and best practice around digital inclusion with our members. SLIC will also continue to take baseline measurements internally to ensure all staff are being supported in their digital needs.

We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding of need.

SLIC work across the sector with staff at various levels including those making strategic service delivery decisions and those delivering front line services to their communities. SLIC will continue to support the sector to develop and deliver digital inclusion work through various means including: By continuing to run the digital champions network supporting public library staff. By continuing to advocate for libraries as ideal support venues to signpost people to who are digitally excluded. To apply for funding and signpost organisations to funding which helps reduce the digital divide. To evidence the impact libraries have on supporting individuals have to become digitally included. To provide training opportunities for staff to ensure they are equipped with digital skills required to support their communities.

We commit to identifying and utilising appropriate resources for digital inclusion.

SLIC already run a digital champions network for all 32 public library services across Scotland. This network has been established for a decade and is embedded as a key part of staff development and sharing of good practice. SLIC are often involved in asset mapping to provide a coordinated response to national issues and we will continue to play this role where required.

We commit to working in genuine partnership where we can, to promote and advance digital inclusion.

SLICs key strength is the rich network of partners it is connected too. Both through membership organisations and strategic partners across many sectors including culture, education, digital and sustainability. SLIC will continue to develop and grow these partnerships whilst being committed to cross-sectoral working to reduce duplication and share skills. SLIC already provide an online training resource where services can submit content including digital training to avoid duplication.

We commit to contributing towards a wider conversation, developing a sense of community and being part of something bigger - because digital inclusion is everyone's responsibility.

SLIC commit to ensuring they contribute time and resource to national conversations where invited, providing knowledge as thoroughly as possible. SLIC will encourage participation with the charter to all member organisations and highlight its importance where opportunity arises both in Scotland and beyond. SLIC actively promote and advocate for digital inclusion where we can, both through the development of guidance and strategy for the sector and through our chosen proogrammes of work. This year digital inclusion projects will be a priority category for applications received to the Public Library Improvement Fund.